
Top / 日記 / 2022年 / 1月17日

T-only panelでの二次的所見の判定方法改善について

がんゲノム 二次的所見

Journal of Clinical Oncologyに興味深い論文が出ていた。

いまエキパネでT-only panel(末梢血の生殖細胞系列遺伝子などを用いず腫瘍検体のみを使うタイプの遺伝子パネル検査のこと。代表的なものはFoundationOne CDxなど)を二次的所見とするかはVAFを重要視しているが、統計的・病理的な腫瘍細胞含有率や発生臓器の情報を含めて解析することで精度を高められる。逆に言うとVAFだけでなく検体の腫瘍細胞純度を加味して二次的所見を判断することが望ましい。

Germline Testing Data Validate Inferences of Mutational Status for Variants Detected From Tumor-Only Sequencing | JCO Precision Oncology
PURPOSE Pathogenic germline variants (PGVs) in cancer susceptibility genes are usually identified through germline testing of DNA from blood or saliva: their detection can affect treatment options and potential risk-reduction strategies for patient relatives. PGV can also be identified in tumor sequencing assays, which, when performed without patient-matched normal specimens, render determination of variants' germline or somatic origin critical. METHODS Tumor-only sequencing data from 1,608 patients were retrospectively analyzed to infer germline versus somatic status of variants using an information-theoretic, gene-independent approach. Loss of heterozygosity was also determined. Predicted mutational models were compared with clinical germline testing results. Statistical measures were computed to evaluate performance. RESULTS Tumor-only sequencing detected 3,988 variants across 70 cancer susceptibility genes for which germline testing data were available. We imputed germline versus somatic status for > 75% of all detected variants, with a sensitivity of 65%, specificity of 88%, and overall accuracy of 86% for pathogenic variants. False omission rate was 3%, signifying minimal error in misclassifying true PGV. A higher portion of PGV in known hereditary tumor suppressors were found to be retained with loss of heterozygosity in the tumor specimens (72%) compared with variants of uncertain significance (58%). CONCLUSION Analyzing tumor-only data in the context of specimens' tumor cell content allows precise, systematic exclusion of somatic variants and suggests a balance between type 1 and 2 errors for identification of patients with candidate PGV for standard germline testing. Although technical or systematic errors in measuring variant allele frequency could result in incorrect inference, misestimation of specimen purity could result in inferring somatic variants as germline in somatically mutated tumor suppressor genes. A user-friendly bioinformatics application facilitates objective analysis of tumor-only data in clinical settings.

BRCA1/2やCHEK2、MSH2/6などはT-onlyで検出されると比較的germlineでも認められる割合が高い(それでも2-3割)だが、TP53なんてもうほぼゼロと見なせるくらい薄い。PTENも薄い。逆に、STK11とかKITとかgermlineのpathogenic variantがこんなに存在するのかという驚きも(Fig2A)。



興味深いことに、カバレッジの深さ(sequencing depth)や腫瘍細胞含有率(purity)は正診率に影響しなかった。とはいえ本試験のSNVのdepthは中央値295有るので、ある程度の品質のシークエンスがある前提だが。purityが低いとgermlineだとVAFが50%に近づいて、かえって予測しやすくなるのかしら。


このTP53の他にAPCやPTENも同様の誤判定があり、その一因としてfocalなコピー数変化やcopy-neutral LOH(つまり増幅欠失とLOHが重なったようになってコピー数変化を伴わないLOH)によってVAFやpurityの判定がうまくできていなかった可能性がある。







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更新日:2022-01-17 閲覧数:933 views.